I'm Allan R. Maulion Jr. I.T Students this is my first blog I created, I created this blog to give Basic Information & Tutorials of Troubleshooting Computers. This blog will help you to learn more some basic information about different kind of things about your computers, for example when something goes wrong
such as:
*Blue Screen
*Restoring file hide by Virus
*Max the usage of RAM if you're using 32-bit Operating systems
* Basic tricks for bypassing BLOCKED website.
and also in Networking & Internet I'll teach some hack for having a free internet if you have Broadband Kit by using VPN ( Virtual Public Network) and also the very common hack in Globe Internet on their Modem.
All that information is on Networking & Internet category.
About Computers on their Common Acronyms, Reasons why PC Crash, given Crack software and infromation about the software and if you having problem or not updated Drivers you can refer to the "All about Computer".
I'll teach and give you some information & basic codes about Programming Languages like C++, Java, Visual Basic 6 & VB.NET ( Visual Studio ).